"Rush Courageously"

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Lazy Sunday

Just in case you're not a regular visitor to thelastshallbefirst-blog, I wanted to make sure that you got a glimpse of Chris Parnell and Andy Samberg's hilarious digital short.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Radiohead comes to TENN, Paul!!

Hey Paul, I don't know how far away the Bonnaroo festival is. But you should go to see Radiohead headline it if you can. You won't be dissappointed!!!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Grizzly MURPH

Tonight we rented Grizzly Murph, a movie I can't wait watch. However, it was preempted by a showing of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which was a subpar film, I must say.

Monday, January 16, 2006

The January 2006 Knoxville Invasion of Lexington-Lincoln Penetration Memorial Conference for the Advancement of Fun Times Convention, Official Minutes

Kris and I just got back from a great visit with Jenna Clare, Jeremy Clare, and Bishop the Beagle Clare in Kentucky. These really aren't the official minutes, but I thought I'd pass along a couple pics from the weekend anyway.

Super Contra was played (among other things); unfortunately, however, I did not learn much from my mistakes. Nor did I show much capacity for rational thought. Thankfully, the dragon was not there to exploit my weaknesses, and Jeremy was very gentle (for the most part). Bishop, however, was not (for the most part).

But all in all, I am happy to report that the weekend had remarkably few regrets. Congratulations to all involved.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

"He's learning from his mistakes!"

That joke was one my all-time favorites. If not in the top 5 all-time it has to be at least in the top 10. These old NES and SNES games provided some great jokes and moments. The 5-man scramble in RBI Baseball with Matt was our defining moment - I have never seen Matt laugh any harder, and I definitely have seen him laugh hard many times. Also, watching Matt play Gyruss (I remembered the name of the game!) every day until he got a job was the perfect way to start my senior year.

Here is some other great stuff:
  • "The Devil is waiting", "Pubes", "Rush Courageously", and, of course, "The Wings are Yours" and the rest of the game description jokes.
  • Watching Matt and Paul play RC Pro-Am.
  • Bud and I's battles with each other in the regular Mario game on Mario 3 by "making them blue."
  • Matt getting the chicken in Super Castlevania.
  • Maintaining "Quo Status" with Paul in Bowser's Castle in Mario 3.
  • Walter Payton's bionic line drive pass in Tecmo Bowl.
  • Others?
(As an aside, I'm listening to the OU-OU game on online radio and the announcers just said they've been on the lookout for Ron Burgundy, being in San Diego. Thought you guys would like that.)

Anyhow, the reason I bring up all this classic gaming stuff is to give you a couple of links that might enable you to bring the sweet aroma of those jokes back in your life anytime you want. That is by using some good ol' emulators. D-load the emulator, unzip it in an "emulator" folder, d-load some "ROM"s of games, put them in the same folder, and then open the emulator program and pick the game. Good strong fun. Stay classy wieners.

NES Emulator(Jnes):

SNES Emulator(Zsnes):

NES Roms:

SNES Roms:

Friday, December 16, 2005

Testing... 1, 2, 3...

Just wanted to infect the Oily Wiener Chronicles with a little obscure Husker news.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Cult of Raymer

Do not look too long lest you get sucked in................

Upcoming Movies

Narnia is the big movie right now, but there are plenty of other good movies that are hitting there stride, just came out or are coming out. Brokeback Mountain, starring Jake G. and Bud Marr has been widely acclaimed, is nominated for a Golden Globe, and won some big award at Cannes. It is directed by Ang Lee and is based on a Proulx short story, about two gay cowboys who have a lifelong love and (try to) keep it under wraps . She hopes to do better - and will - with Mountain after a disappointing box office performance by The Murphing News. Additionally two good movies that bear relevance to the current situation with America and the Middle East are out - Syriana and Jarhead. I am going to see Syriana tomorrow - my first movie at the theater in ages. Also coming out is Spielberg's Munich in late December. It is about the search for the assassins at the Munich Olympics in ('72?). Kevin Baba, er, Eric Bana is in that - a fine actor, as the one who hunts down the killers and in doing so wrestles....with some things.....inside. Woody Allen is also coming out with a film that is getting much worship-speak and that is Match Point. It details Bud's other romance with Pete Sampras.